Training Action Plan

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Health Practitioner Assessment (CLCHPA)

Author(s)/Developer(s): Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence
Date: 2017
Publisher/Source: Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence
Contributed by: Mailman Center for Child Development, University of Miami
Type: Training Material or Curriculum

The CLCHPA is a validate measure of cultural and linguistic competence. It is an on-line self-guided learning activity designed as a self-assessment process to provide the participant with two types of feedback: (A) individual feedback on the participant's ratings on 3 factors as compared to a sample of 2504 HC professionals used to example the psychometric properties of this tool (1) Knowledge of culturally and linguistically diverse populations, (2) Adapting practice for culturally and linguistically diverse patient populations, and (3) Promoting the health of culturally and linguistically diverse communities and (B) (1) Linguistic competence (the capacity of an organization and its personnel to communicate effectively and convey information in a manner that is easily understood by diverse groups (limited English proficiency -LEP, Low literacy, Individuals with disabilities and those are D/HH), and (2) Health and Healthcare Disparities (the capacity to recognize and address health and healthcare disparities within practice settings and the community at large. The participant receives a report that provides (1) their scores on the 3 factors compared to the normed sample, (2) whether their responses suggest barriers in awareness, knowledge, or skill levels in linguistic competence and/or health/healthcare disparities, (3) a set of professional development and educational resources related to each of the 3 factors and the domains of linguistic competence and health and healthcare disparities that have been customized to the participant's responses. While the CLCHPA include items on disabilities in the three factors, it is not designed specifically as an assessment for intellectual and developmental disabilities. Thus the purpose and focus of this resource will need to be delineated for use in UCEDD curricula and training activities.

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